Our Kāhui
Te Whakakī Nui A Rua Trust
“Huihuia, Ngakia kia Puawai”
“Together, Empowered & Prosperous”
The Iwi and Hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa Claims Settlement Bill had its first and second reading in Parliament on 15 March and 20 December 2017.
On 6 September 2018, we celebrated the third and final reading in Parliament, where our settlement was enacted and became law. This was a historic occasion for all our iwi, hapū, and whānau. This is the culmination of many, many years of hard work that our tīpuna started.
Once our settlement became law, we engaged with our members to confirm the final asset and representation arrangements for Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa. This was presented to members via a series of engagement hui across Aotearoa, and all adult registered members were able to cast a Special Resolution vote on how we manage our settlement assets.
On 30 November 2018, the result of the vote on our final representation and asset arrangement model and required Trust Deed Updates, showed that 91.87% of those who voted, voted to approve the Unit Trust Model and Kāhui Representation.
As a result, and with the mandate of those who attended the meetings, our Kāhui Trust – Te Whakakī-Nui-A-Rua Trust – was established.
Kaitiaki – Trustees
Whakakī - Iwitea - Ngamotu Aerial Views
Our Trust represents the people of the three marae who form our Kāhui – Te Rauhina, Iwitea and Whakaki. Our takiwā consists of the coastal area from east of the Wairoa river to the Opoho stream, which is on the Eastern side of Whakaki.
We can finally move forward, and start seeing the benefits for our hapori, hapū and whānau! The result of this vote means that our Kāhui can start working to benefit you, our people. This is our time to start achieving culturally, socially, and economically. This is our time to make things happen for our future.
Joanna Fifita
Iwitea Marae
Bob Solomon
Whakakī Marae
Naomi Wilson
Te Rauhina Marae